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英国艺术家Maud Dijkstra创作 - Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt

british artist maud dijkstra creates a collection of flowers and fruit, in the style of rendered in cinema4d, colorful abstract forms, bulbous, patrick brown, rococo pastel colors, matte photo, cartoon abstraction simple background, smooth surface, high definition, clear and smooth lines, specular performance, advanced reflection - aliasing, 3d rendering, HD 32K

(复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可)

Midjourney Prompt 翻译

英国艺术家Maud Dijkstra创作了一系列鲜花和水果,以在Cinema4d中渲染的风格,五颜六色的抽象形式,球状,帕特里克棕色,洛可可粉色,哑光照片,卡通抽象简单的背景,光滑的表面,高清晰度,清晰流畅的线条,镜面表现,高级反射混叠,3D渲染,高清32K

AI 绘画 Midjourney 示意图

英国艺术家Maud Dijkstra创作