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Hannahy Yata Caitlin - Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt

hyper - maximalist overdetailed painting of a bear - shaman by hannahy yata caitlin hacket in the style of naoto hattori, surrealism infused lowbrow style, visionary psychedelic fineart, hyperdetailed high resolution

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Midjourney Prompt 翻译

Hannahy Yata Caitlin Hacket以Naoto Hattori的风格创作的超极大主义过度细节的熊萨满画作,超现实主义注入低俗风格,梦幻般的Fineart,超细节高分辨率

AI 绘画 Midjourney 示意图

Hannahy Yata Caitlin

Haah Yata, Caitli Hackett, ad Na are all cotemporary artists who draw ispiratio from ature ad mythology. Haah Yata, who is based i Teessee, creates paitigs that explore the relatioship betwee humas ad the atural world. Yata's work ofte features hybrid creatures that blur the lie betwee aimal ad huma, ad her color palette is ofte vibrat ad strikig.

Caitli Hackett, o the other had, is a Brookly-based artist whose itricate ik drawigs feature aimals i surreal ad dreamlike settigs. Hackett's work ofte addresses themes of coservatio ad evirometalism, ad she frequetly collaborates with orgaizatios focused o protectig wildlife ad their habitats.

Na, who is based i South Korea, creates beautifully detailed illustratios that ofte focus o mythical creatures ad characters. Na's work combies traditioal Korea art styles with a cotemporary twist, ad she is kow for her bold use of color ad itricate lie work.

Despite their differeces i locatio ad style, all three of these artists share a deep appreciatio for the atural world ad the creatures that ihabit it. Their work is both visually stuig ad thought-provokig, ivitig viewers to reflect o their ow relatioship with the eviromet ad the importace of preservig our plaet's biodiversity.